
Lucien Descamps house Lucien Descamps house

Plaque: Lucien Descamps house

We imagine that this plaque used to be at eye-level, but that the installation of the shop window left no wall-space for it so it was elevated. We are glad that the plaque was retained but the chance of any passer-by seeing it, let alone reading it and "remembering" are about zero. We were alerted to its existence by the commune and our camera has a powerful zoom.

Site: Lucien Descamps house (1 memorial)

1210, chaussée de Louvain, 44

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Lucien Descamps house

Information Subjects commemorated

Lucien Henri Vincent Benjamin Descamps

Born Ath. On the St Josse War Memorial his initials are given as L.E.V.B. W...

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