Adolphe Buyl
Fallen policemen
Carlo Armellini
Mathieu Bodson
Baron Jolly
Baron Seutin at rue Brueghel Hospital
Hector Denis

Subject Types

Group (96 subjects)

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Sofina SA

Sofina SA

Created as Société Financière deTransports et d’Entreprises Industrielles, with a capital of 10 million gold-franc (or about 30 million €) at the initiative of the German Union Electrizitäts Gesell...

Group, Other

2 memorials



As rare Walloon expressionists, the Group Nervia was set up in 1928 by Anto-Carte and his friend Léon Eeckman, fine arts insurer. Other members of the group were: Louis Buisseret, Léon Devos, Rodo...

Group, Art

1 memorial

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