House of the Blind - Relief
Maurice Wilmotte
Twinning with Burundi
Charles de Coster at the Lakes
Le Petit Sablon - F - Le Taciturne
Arthur de Greef bust
5 male heads

Memorial Types

Joost Van Den Vondel

Joost Van Den Vondel

1000, rue de Laeken, 146

This 19th century theatre has been undergoing renovation for at least a year and is not due to come out from under wraps until July 2003 so we deci...

1 subject commemorated

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Jean-Jules Linden

Jean-Jules Linden

1000, Parc Leopold, just inside the entrance to the grounds of the zoological museum, from the park.

It's a sort of rule of necessity that the photographs on this site show the memorial "as found" on the day, whatever the weather, whatever the situ...

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator

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Almeida Garrett

Almeida Garrett

1060, rue de Savoie junction rue de Lombardie

1 subject commemorated

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Arthur de Greef bust

Arthur de Greef bust

1060, square Baron A Bouvier

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator

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Leopold II bust in Duden Park

Leopold II bust in Duden Park

1190, Duden Park, formal garden in the north section

He has a splendid view of his master creation - the Palais de Justice, but then, so has most of Brussels.

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator

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