The Senne covered over - finished
Emile Demot
Miklós Jósika & Júlia Podmaniczky
Georges Petre
Military School at rue de Namur
Leopold's shield in place du Musée

Memorial Types


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Bocq River Goddess

Bocq River Goddess

1060, pl M Van Meenen, St Gilles Hôtel de Ville

St Gilles began receiving water from the Bocq in 1896. The commune, wishing to celebrate this achievement, commissioned Lambeaux who planned a com...

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator

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Leon Cladel's Ompdrailles

Leon Cladel's Ompdrailles

1000, Jardin du Roi, facing the traffic roundabout at top

Title: "Le Tombeau des Lutteurs" ("The Fighters’ Tomb") or "Mort D’Ompdrailles" ("The Death of Ompdrailles"). Ompdrailles was a triumphant gladia...

2 subjects commemorated, 2 creators

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Armenians killed by Ottomans

Armenians killed by Ottomans

1050, square Henri Michaux

Inaugurated in 1997. For the sad history behind this monument see external link . For an alternative view see external link .

1 subject commemorated

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Colonial pioneers - Ixelles

Colonial pioneers - Ixelles

1050, square de la Croix-Rouge, rue du Levant

An unusual and charming memorial, erected in 1933 to the civilians of Ixelles who took part in the colonial expansion in the Belgian Congo between ...

34 subjects commemorated, 2 creators

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Little Mermaid

Little Mermaid

1040, square de Léopoldville

"La petite sirène" is a copy of the sculpture which sank with the liner Baudouinville in 1940.

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator

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