Brussels Free University at rue des Sols
First World War Combatants Federation
Jean d’Ardenne
Maurice Gauchez at rue de l'Amazone
Black tower
Hellemans at rue au Beurre

Memorial Types

Robert Schuman

Robert Schuman

1000, bd. Charlemagne, esplanade of the Berlaymont

Quite exceptional detail: the text on each side of the stone in a different language - clockwise: French, dutch, German and Italian-, but not in En...

2 subjects commemorated

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Louis Clesse

Louis Clesse

1050, Gardens of Abbaye de la Cambre, back of the church

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator

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Secularised Etterbeek

Secularised Etterbeek

1040, square Forti dei Marmi (between rue Gray and rue de l’Etang)

This is hidden away inside a small garden (or dog’s lavatory). Etterbeek is the local council (commune) and, although education is not specificall...

1 subject commemorated

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Maurice Gauchez

Maurice Gauchez

1060, parvis de St Gilles garden

2 subjects commemorated

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1830 - 1930

1830 - 1930

1050, junction rue du Levant and avenue des Klauwaerts, at the lake

We have read that this is an Ixelles boundary stone, the oak tree being the Ixelles symbol. However it does not sit on a (current) Ixelles boundar...

2 subjects commemorated

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