Plaque: Brontës at Ravenstein
Site: Brontës at Ravenstein (1 memorial)
1000, Ravenstein, Palais des Beaux-Arts, 23
In the book 'At Mrs Lippincote's' by Elizabeth Taylor (the author, not the actress), published in 1945 one of the characters, talking of Charlotte Brontë, says:
'When I was a boy, I went to see that place - Pensionnat Hégar. In the Rue d'Isabelle. Yes, it was all there - the Berceau and the Galérie. I walked up and down the Allée Défendue. You remember?' ... 'The front of the house a flat façade built right on the pavement with rows of long windows, and all round - new buildings towering above, scaffolding, heaps of rubble, one side of the Pensionnat torn away. They were demolishing it.' ... 'It was pulled down many years ago,. Before the last war.'