
Whirling Ear Whirling Ear

Sculpture: Whirling Ear

Not a memorial, but a rare example of a well-sited, quality piece of modern art, which is appreciated by the public.  The plaque with all the rather dull text (the inventory number, anyone?) is on the end of a low wall to the north-west of the Ear.
This piece of art is one of the rare witnesses that survived the World Exhibition of Brussels 1958. There it stood in the middle of a basin with fountains in front of the US pavilion. After the exhibition it was dismantled and stored in an depot of the Royal Museums where it rust for years before someone came up with the idea to give it a place in the city again.

Site: Whirling Ear (1 memorial)

1000, Coudenberg at the junction with rue Montagne de la Cour

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Whirling Ear

Information Created by

Alexander Calder

For a biography and to see more of Calder's work, including his lovely and ic...

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