Fake "Le Soir"
Mont des Arts
Pope Leo XIII
van Sina at Royal Library
Julio Cortàzar
new building in rue Montserrat
WW2 memorial for the Minimes area


Seriously Famous

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Jacques Brel

Jacques Brel

Born Brussels. Songwriter/singer of French chanson. Died of lung cancer in Bobigny, in the suburbs of Paris. Is buried on the Island of Hiva Oa in the Marquesas, French Polynesia. Click on exte...

War dead, Music, Poetry & Song, Seriously Famous

1 memorial

Charlotte Brontë

Charlotte Brontë

English novel writer.Charlotte’s first novel, "The Professor" was based on her experiences while in Brussels. She and her sister Emily enrolled at Pensionnat Heger, first to learn French and Germa...

War dead, Literature, Seriously Famous, United Kingdom

1 memorial

Emily Brontë

Emily Brontë

English novel writer

War dead, Literature, Seriously Famous, United Kingdom

1 memorial

Lord Byron

Lord Byron

Referenced on five memorials in London.

Person, Exile, Poetry & Song, Seriously Famous, United Kingdom

1 memorial

Grand Place

Grand Place

You will often see this written as "Grand' Place". That's because it should correctly be "Grande Place" but the "e" has been dropped. Everything else you might want to know about the Grand Place...

Building, Architecture, Seriously Famous, Tourism/Traditions

2 memorials

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